

在十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about 什么 they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们将与该公司首席执行官基兰·英尼斯进行对话 & 的创始人之一 Stribe.


Stribe is award-winning employee engagement and survey software built to create happier, 让员工在工作中拥有更大的发言权,从而打造更健康的团队. 

我们与人力资源团队一起制定高水平的组织目标, 收集真正重要的见解, and create meaningful change to improve wellbeing and culture – all through impactful employee surveying. 

What was the inspiration behind starting Stribe and developing an employee survey platform? 你在市场中发现了什么主要的差距或机会?

这是一个有趣的故事! Stribe was born from Tootoot, which is our safeguarding and pupil voice app that we launched in 2015. 

给大家一点背景知识——Tootoot的建立只有一个简单的目的, and that was to help students in the UK speak-up about challenges they were experiencing at school. 通过应用程序, pupils can report anything from bullying to mental health concerns in a confidential way, 员工有权迅速有效地采取行动. 

快进到今天, Tootoot有超过15人信任,由英国教育部推荐,在全国范围内聘用了1万名教师. 

After the success we saw with Tootoot and the incredible impact it was having on students and their happiness at school – we saw that the key to successful, 学校里快乐的团队是员工的声音, 但没有任何工具能够真正触及分散或无桌面团队中的每个人. Our vision is to help workers in the same way we’ve helped children be happier and healthier in the environments where they spend most of their time. Stribe就是这样诞生的! 

在今天的英国, employee satisfaction and engagement are unfortunately extremely low – with only 23% of us actively engaged at work. It’s no longer enough to just pay people well; organisations must be prioritising wellbeing, 沟通, and nurturing a culture that makes people feel like they actually want to show up to work. 

这意味着给你的团队提供交流渠道,安全地分享他们的想法, 根据团队给你的反馈进行有意义的改变. 这正是我们帮你处理斯特里布的方式.  

How does Stribe's survey software differentiate itself from other employee feedback tools out there? 哪些关键特性或功能会给你带来优势?

We’re all about bringing teams together – no matter whether they’re in the same building or on different continents. 

目前, 我们是英国唯一使用电子邮件的员工调查平台, 独特的链接, QR码, 以及iOS和Android应用程序来分发你的调查. 这意味着我们的客户真正能够给他们的每一位员工一个声音. 包容所有的声音意味着更好的全面代表. 

Our other key difference is that we put employee anonymity at the centre of everything we do – and we’re fully transparent about how everything works to ensure employees are completely confident using Stribe.  

Unfortunately there’s a lot of ambiguity and mistrust around whether employee surveys are truly anonymous. So we have put in the work to make sure our customers and their teams are comfortable knowing Stribe systems are truly anonymous.  

员工敬业度和情绪数据非常有价值, 但企业经常面临低调查参与率的问题. Stribe如何帮助提高回复率?

Stribe customers receive an average response rate of 82% - which we’re very proud of considering all the types of different industries and organisations sizes we work with.

我们做了很多事情来实现这个目标, 但它可以被分解成三个关键的东西:沟通, 时机, 采取行动. 

首先, we help our customers communicate effectively with their teams to ensure they understand the who, 什么, 当, 每次调查的原因和方式. When people understand the purpose behind something, they’re more likely to get involved. 

其次,时间! We’ve gathered plenty of data over the years about 当 to send surveys to get the most responses, 以及如何让团队留出时间来完成调查. 这些数据帮助我们建议客户如何确定调查时间. 

最后,采取行动. This is arguably the most important step of the employee survey process – so we really work with our customers to help them identify meaningful actions to implement from feedback. Making workplace changes as a result of 什么 employees say in surveys is the most effective way to improve future response rates, 因为这向你的团队证明你很重视他们. 

数据/分析在Stribe的平台中扮演什么角色? 你如何帮助公司分析和处理他们收到的员工反馈?

Stribe’s survey reporting toolkit is really integral to how we empower companies to understand and act on employee feedback effectively, and we’re constantly in conversation with our customers about 什么 insights matter most to them – so we can keep optimising the platform. 

Our approach isn't just about presenting a bunch a data though – we help our customers to gain real understanding by getting into the nitty gritty, 这样他们就能做出明智而有影响力的决定. 通过易于理解的分析, 我们能够让客户清楚地了解员工的感受和想法, 帮助他们识别优势和挑战. 

Stribe报告工具中最受欢迎的功能之一是“You Said”, We Did’ – which essentially allows organisations to share results and data with their teams after a survey has ended, while also letting them know 什么 actions will be taken in future off-the-back of that data.

这个工具很特别,因为它允许Stribe的管理员同时共享, 承认, and address employee feedback – which we know helps to build trust by showing a commitment to continuous improvement. 

What new trends or innovations are you most excited about in the employee experience and feedback space? Stribe未来的投资方向是什么?

We’re really excited about the rise of the blended workforce – and how that will change the future of work. 混合劳动力由全职工人组成, 兼职工人, 所有的承包商都能在远方无缝、灵活地合作, 在球场上, 在办公室或其他地方! 

组织确实在发生变化,并在我们眼前变得更加分散, 但这意味着领导者需要采取策略, 支持这种新的工作方式和工作人员的工具和技术. 

Engaging dispersed and blended teams is no easy feat – but it’s something the team at Stribe have always advocated for, and we’re focusing on keeping access to our technology as flexible as possible to help highly dispersed teams not only keep up with the transformations, 而是帮助他们的团队茁壮成长.

这是一个彻底变革的时代, and we’re thrilled to be building a solution that not only supports the challenges that come with it, 但是庆祝这个运动. 

谢谢你! Stribe!

